Price list

1 year
Monthly per room
You save a year
Total price
6 months
Monthly per room
You save a year
Total price
3 months
Monthly per room
You save a year
Total price
1 month
Monthly per room
You save a year
Total price
What do you get in the price of the basic license?
Booking system for your web
Booking calendar
Guest book
Group bookings
Prices and currencies module
Room account
Coupons and vouchers
State of cleaning
Mobile app for quick overview
Auto-messages to guests
Online Check-in
Management statistics
Additional services
Trevlix API
GDPR/CCPA Consents
Lock system offline
Initial import of reservations
* 1 accommodation unit is considered 1 room. For example, if you rent an apartment or a cottage as a whole, it is 1 room.
The minimum number of rooms is 5. The price for 1-5 rooms is the same. An individual offer for more than 200 rooms.
Prices are shown without VAT 21%. We are VAT payers from 21.05.2024.
For VAT payers in an EU country other than CZE, a VAT Reverse charge is applied.

Try 30 days for free
Try it without obligation.

Price list of additional modules and optional functions

Channel manager - synchronization with accommodation catalogs,, Airbnb $1.7 (1.7 €) / month / catalog / accommodation unit
Google Free Booking Links $0.7 (0.7 €) / month / catalog / accommodation unit
one-time integration activation fee $31 (31 €) / catalog / one-time fee


iCalendar - export / import to various applications

iCalendar Export / Import is a simpler connection solution,

but the availability update can be significantly slower than the Channel manager.

For example to Airbnb, Vrbo, Agoda, Google Calendar and others.

iCalendar export / import $1 (1 €) / month / accommodation unit


Payment gateway - Deposits for accommodation reservations

Accepting accommodation payments in advance, payment by credit card online.

fee from a completed booking from an online reservation system with a deposit paid in advance by a payment gateway 0.97 - 1.1 %
indicative fee to the payment gateway operator from the deposit amount 1.5 % *

*) example of Stripe payment gateway


Bookkeeping module - issue invoices, sales documents, advance invoices

You can issue, print and send documents directly from Trevlix. Create a receipt from the room account with one button.

for payment gateway users free
for other users $3.4 (3.4 €) / month / for the entire accommodation facility


Prices are shown without VAT 21%. We are VAT payers from 21.05.2024.
For VAT payers in an EU country other than CZE, a VAT Reverse charge is applied.