Terms and Conditions

I. Basic arrangements
1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the rights and obligations of the Provider and the Customer of the Trevlix System Rental (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

2. The service provider is Trevlix, s.r.o., Company ID 14091887 with its registered office at 28. října 810/246, Mariánské Hory, 709 00 Ostrava, registered at the Regional Court in Ostrava, file number C 87954.

3. The customer of the service is a person or entrepreneur who ordered the service via the Internet, in person, by telephone or in any other way.


II. Product / service information
1. The product is the rental of the Trevlix online reservation system (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

2. Information about the Service is available at www.trevlix.com.

3. The Client also has the opportunity to try the Service for free and without obligation in a demo version.


III. Price and payment terms
1. The price of the services provided shall start to be charged on the day of activation of the service or the end of the free trial operation, if the free trial operation is currently offered.
2. The Customer shall choose the billing period from the offered variants.
3. The length of the billing period may affect the price of the service. The current price of the service is available at www.trevlix.com.

4. The subscription price does not include free individual user support. User support is mainly a form of help. The user has the option of asking an authorized question directly in the service administration. The amount of free individual user support depends on the discretion of the provider and its maximum range is limited to 30% of the service price after deducting the operator's costs. The customer has the option of prepaying credit for individual user support according to the valid price list. The customer can test the service in a free trial operation.

5. The provider reserves the right to reject such support inquiries that are not conducted in a constructive spirit of mutual respect.

6. The billing period may be changed for each subsequent billing period.
7. The Client pays the fee for the billing period in the form of an advance always before the beginning of the respective billing period.
8. The date of crediting the payment to the Provider's account shall be considered the date of payment.
9. After paying the fee, the Provider shall issue a tax document.

10. The customer is obliged to pay the fees for the optional Channel manager module from activation until written notification of deactivation (by authorized request from Trevlix or email notification of deactivation to the official Trevlix support email).

IV. Terms of delivery
1. After clicking on the activation link in the e-mail sent automatically after filling in the form for ordering the service at www.trevlix.com, the client is sent access data allowing to start using the service.


V. Free trial operation of the service
1. If the Provider offers a limited-term free operation of the service, the Customer is entitled to use the service free of charge within this period.
2. The use of free trial operation does not oblige the customer to order paid services.
3. During the period of free trial operation, the Client shall not be entitled to any compensation or guarantees by the Provider.
4. The level of support provided to the Client in the free trial operation is at the discretion of the Provider.
5. The Provider reserves the right to refuse to the Customer the use of free trial operation at its discretion, especially if the circumstances of the order indicate doubt about the Customer's serious interest in using the service.


VI. Provider's rights and obligations
1. The Provider undertakes to provide the service to the extent specified on www.trevlix.com for the period of prepaid by the Client. The functionality of the service can be tested free of charge in the demo version of the service.
2. In addition to the basic version of the service, the customer may order optional additional services or functions at an additional cost. Prices and terms of these optional additional features are available at www.trevlix.com.
3. The provider guarantees 99.9% availability of the service on an annual basis.
4. The Provider is not responsible for Internet failures and failures and the quality of services provided by third parties.
5. The Provider is entitled to use the name or logo of the Client's company for reference purposes, unless the Client expresses its disagreement. The provider has the right to sign with a reference in the public part of the service and in automatic messages sent by the service.
6. The Provider is entitled to change the scope, quality and prices of services, or terminate the provision of existing services due to inflation, introduction of new services, changes in market conditions, development of new technologies, etc. The Provider undertakes to replace the services whose provision has been discontinued by introducing other similar services, if technically and economically possible.
7. The Provider shall inform about changes in the scope, quality and prices of the Services through its website or email notifications.


VII. Rights and obligations of the client
1. The Client undertakes to pay the prices for services in time.

2. The Client is responsible for the correct setting of all prices and discounts in his account. In case of ordering a price setting assistance service, the customer is obliged to immediately check these prices and test their correctness.

3. The Client undertakes to use all services only in accordance with the valid legal regulations of the Czech Republic, the European Union, international treaties to which the Czech Republic is bound and in accordance with good morals.
4. The Client shall not use the services in such a way as to harass other users, in particular by deliberately spreading viruses and sending unsolicited data and spam.
5. The Client undertakes to protect all passwords related to the provided services. In case of reasonable suspicion of their disclosure, the Client undertakes to immediately inform the Provider and ask for a password change or to change the password himself.
6. The Client is responsible for all content created and displayed on the Internet (ie also materials that interfere with the rights of third parties), which was published through the service. The provider does not guarantee this content.

7. The Client is obliged, at the request of the Provider, to prove the identity of the person on whose behalf the Service is operated. In case of doubt, the Service Provider is entitled to suspend the Service and user access to the Service until proof of identity.


VIII. Responsibility for accommodation services and additional services
1. The Customer uses the Service (reservation system) to offer its accommodation and additional services, which it operates for clients (guests) of the accommodation facility, exclusively on its own behalf and on its own responsibility.

2. The Customer is obliged to publish the Business and Cancellation conditions of the accommodation facility and the identification and contact details of the person responsible for their compliance.

3. The Service Provider (reservation system) has no participation in the business relationship between the Customer (operator of the accommodation facility) and its clients - guests of the accommodation facility.


IX. Restrictions and termination of service
1. If the client fails to pay the deposit by the due date, the functionality in the service administration will be deactivated.
2. If the Client is in delay with the advance payment for the service longer than 14 days, the public part of the service (especially the online reservation system) will be deactivated.
3. The renewal of the service is carried out within 2 working days at the latest from the crediting of the full amount due to the provider's account.
4. In the event that the Client is in delay with the advance payment for the service longer than 90 days, the operator is entitled to permanently delete all data of the Client.

5. The provider has the right to reject or terminate cooperation with the Client who does not fulfill the conditions of proper or meaningful cooperation or abuses the services of the provider.
6. The Client has the right to terminate the use of the service for each subsequent billing period. The Client is obliged to inform the Provider in writing or by email about termination of the use of the service.

X. Complaints and withdrawal
1. The customer has the opportunity to try the service without obligation in a demo version.
2. If the Provider offers a free-of-charge operation of the service for a limited period of time, the Customer shall, during the free operation, test the service without obligation and terminate its use at any time free of charge and without obligation.
3. The Customer is also entitled to use the Service for commercial purposes, such as receiving online reservations for accommodation from the website, for a limited period of free service operation.
4. In the event that the service could be used only partially or could not be used at all for a technical or operational defect on the Provider's side, the Provider's liability towards the Client shall be limited to the obligation to promptly remedy the defect and, if appropriate, reduce the rental price of the service adequately for the period when the client could not fully use the service or provide the service in an alternative way.
5. The Provider shall be liable for any damage caused by unavailability or defect of the service up to the maximum amount of the fee paid by the Client for unavailable function, in proportion to the time of unavailability of the function.
6. After termination of the free-of-charge service for a limited period of time, the Client has the right to terminate the use of the service for each subsequent billing period. The billing period is chosen by the customer from the offered variants.

XI. License Agreement
1. After the agreed price has been paid by the Client to the Provider's account, the Client is granted the right to use the service and its agreed modules for the purposes for which they are intended.
2. Licenses shall be granted for a period of time determined by the length of the subscription period chosen from the date of activation.
3. Trevlix is a computer program product and is protected by copyright laws, as well as other intellectual property laws and agreements. The owner and executor of copyrights to the Trevlix system is the company Trevlix, s.r.o ..

XII. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
1. The out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is the responsibility of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, IČ: 000 20 869, Internet address: https://adr.coi.cz/cs. The online dispute resolution platform at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr can be used to resolve disputes between the customer and the service provider.
2. European Consumer Center Czech Republic, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, Internet address: http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz is a contact point pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of on 21 May 2013 on online consumer dispute resolution and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC (Online Consumer Dispute Resolution Regulation).

XIII. Final arrangements
1. These General Terms and Conditions are valid and effective from April 19, 2023 and cancels the previous version of the General Terms and Conditions. The Provider reserves the right to change the General Terms and Conditions. The current version of the terms and conditions is always available at www.trevlix.com.