1. How to add a booking system to my website?

You can find the code for inserting a reservation system in Trevlix by clicking on:


Settings - Reservation system for your website


Just copy the prepared code by clicking the "copy to clipboard" button


You can choose the code version for:

  • iframe version for inserting inside a site page
  • or version to open in a new window (* recommended)

reservation system

The code you have copied to your clipboard can now be pasted into the source code of the Booking article on your site.

Or, if you don't have a content management system, you can send the code to your webmaster.


That's all. If you do not need to change the behavior of the reservation system, you're done.


*) Opening the booking engine in a new window (from the main menu of the website or from the buttons) is the most reliable variant, always 100% functional, unaffected by the quality of integration into the website, with the best support for responsiveness and mobile devices, with the best photo gallery, without browser security restrictions for embedding content inside the site.

2. Optional changes to the reservation system

You can use the optional parameters of the src attribute in iframe tag to make changes to the reservation system.


Required attributes for the src attribute in iframe tag:

  • cid=123456789 - your system ID. You get the ID from your generated code.


Optional attributes for the src attribute in iframe tag:

  • lang=cs - select default language display (cs | en)
  • theme_color = green - selection of the color system of the reservation system for matching with the color of the website (default | green | gold | hex | dark_default). The default color is blue, you can also choose green or gold. You can create any custom color by choosing theme_color = hex and sending the color number in six-digit hexadecimal format (see hex parameter). For the website's dark mode, choose the dark_default color. In the iframe version it has a transparent background - it assumes the dark background of your website, eg rgb(26, 26, 26).
  • hex = 800040 - in combination with the parameter theme_color = hex allows you to choose your own color scheme of the reservation system for the best possible merging with your website. Always enter a six-digit color code in hexadecimal format without a cross as the value. Example: & theme_color = hex & hex = 800040 = purple.
  • date_from=2019-03-01 - arrival date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • date_to=2019-03-03 - departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  • date_default = off - if you do not want to automatically select the current date as the default date. (on = choose current date, default value | off = do not select any default date, first ask the visitor about the date of accommodation)
  • currency=EUR - select the default currency displayed. 3-letter code of supported currency (ISO 4217 format).
  • hide_tabs=reservation-map-availability - hide features / bookmarks, list of hidden elements separated by a hyphen (reservation, map, availability)
  • hide_controls=currencies-langs - hide controls, list of hidden elements separated by a hyphen (currency selection, language selection.) Please use only discretion to disable important reservation system features.)
  • mode=window - set to open the reservation system in a new window. Unlike the iframe version, you will see the page margins and the name of the hotel or accommodation
  • app_default = availability - default displayed function / reservation system tab (reservation = reservation system, default value | availability = availability | map = map | stay_packages = stay packages)
  • date_from_availability = 2022-06-01 - date from which the availability calendar will be displayed in the format YYYY-MM-DD
  • object_name=1 - if you offer other types of accommodation for booking than room (eg apartments, cottages), you can change the occurrence of the word "room" during the reservation for the universal name "object" (0=room, default|1=object)
  • hide_occupied=1 - if you wish to hide rooms that are occupied in the search term (0=display, default value|1=hide occupied)
  • num_guests = 2 - fill in the number of guests in advance
  • ask_num_children = 1 - if you want to display the field for selecting the number of children even if you do not offer a child discount (0 = do not show, default value | 1 = show)
  • price_preview = base - if the prices for differ for a different number of people, display the price for basic occupancy in the first step (min = minimum occupancy, default value | base = basic occupancy)
  • room_type_hilite = 2 - type of room you want to highlight and move to the first position. Suitable, for example, for links from web presentations of room offers. Submit the ID of the room type to be highlighted.
  • hide_room_types = 3-6-7 - types of rooms you wish to hide for web bookings, list of ID types of rooms to hide, separated by a hyphen
  • availability_calendar = list_halved - type of occupancy calendar (list_halved = list of room types with half occupancy | list_partial = list of room types with partial occupancy | monthly = monthly calendar, only for accommodation facilities with 1 room type), examples of calendars can be found below
  • disable_group_bookings = 1 - disable group bookings, after clicking on the book button the guest is redirected directly to the second step of the booking without the possibility to add another room to the order (0 = off, default value | 1 = on)


Example of an src attribute with optional parameters



lang=en - default language English

currency=USD - default currency US dollar

hide_tabs=availability - hide the occupancy tab

3. Occupancy view - monthly calendar or linear view

1. For accommodation facilities with 1 room type (there can be more than 1 room type) the following monthly occupancy calendar is displayed:

Obsazenost - měsíční kalendář


2. If you have more than one room type, and only 1 room in each room type, it will be displayed as the default linear occupancy calendar - halved:

Obsazenost - lineární zobrazení


3. If you have more than one room type, and you have more than one room in a room type, it will be displayed as the default linear occupancy calendar - partial, with a proportional representation of the number of occupied rooms of each type:

Obsazenost - lineární zobrazení


If you want to display a different type of linear availability calendar, you can use the availability_calendar parameter (see instructions above).