WordPress - how to embed the Trevlix booking engine

Inserting the Trevlix booking engine into the WordPress editorial system is easy, it takes about 2-3 minutes.


We'll show you how to do it in 2 easy steps (copy and paste)

Step 1 - Copy the code from Trevlix

You can find the booking system embed code in Trevlix by clicking on:


Settings - Booking system for your website - iframe version (for inserting inside the page)


Just copy the prepared code by clicking the "copy to clipboard" button.


Reservation system code

Step 2 - Embedding in WordPress

In WordPress, you create a new page, e.g. "Book now".

You then insert the copied HTML code from Trevlix into it as follows:


  • In WordPress, click on the Pages module
  • Click on the Pages: "Add New Block" (icon plus) button and choose "Code" block
  • Enter the Trevlix code that you have in your clipboard (e.g. using the Ctrl+C keys).
  • save new block with Update button

inserting the reservation system into webnode


2 - insert Trevlix iframe


That's it. You have just embedded Trevix in the WordPress editor 👍

webnode logo

If you want to modify the behavior of the reservation system with any of the supported parameters, you can find help here:
