1. Billing documents - how to issue an invoice, sales document, advance invoice

From Trevlix you can post, print and send:


  • invoice for paid payment - (for VAT payers it is an invoice - tax document)
  • simplified sales document (seller, receipt) for paid payment up to CZK 10,000
  • advance invoice (also called proforma invoice, not an accounting document, only a request for payment)
  • or a corrective document for the issued invoice (for VAT payers it is a corrective tax document)

Just set up your billing information and we can get started 😊 

2. Settings

If you do not already have the Bookkeeping module set up, a red gear icon will alert you to the required number format and other necessary settings.

bookkeeping 1

bookkeeping 2


So we set up accounting data:

accounting documents settings

Tips on how to set the number series of documents can be found here.


We can also insert a company logo, which will be printed on documents.


3. Creating a document

By clicking on the appropriate button, we choose what type of document we want to create.

bookkeeping 3


We enter the data and save. For a company or sole trader, just enter the ID number and click on the ARES button, the data will be read from the register.

For a natural person (non-business) it is enough to enter the first 3 letters of the surname and if the guest is entered in the guest book, the data will be read by clicking on the searched guest.

bookkeping - new document

4. Printing, PDF export, sending the document to email, totals for the period

In the list of documents you will see the actions you can perform with the document. So save to PDF, print or send PDF to email.

bookkeeping list

If you select the Date From - To filter in the Documents module, you will also see clear sums of amounts for the selected period:

bookkeeping from to

5. Issuance of a document from the room account

You can also create a document directly from the room account (booking editing window, "Room account" - "Documents" tab).

Just select the type of document you want to create.


room account

If you want to make an advance payment only for a partial payment or provide the customer with an additional discount, you can use the flash icon, which will reduce or increase all items by a percentage. For example, you make an advance payment of 30% of the total amount by subtracting -70% from the document items and clicking the "lightning" button, which deducts the percentage difference from all document items.

advance 30%


Tip: Did you know that you can easily add your additional services to your room account?

Just select an item from the whisperer and the price and VAT rate will be filled in automatically 👍


6. How to create an invoice from an advance invoice

How to create an accounting tax invoice from an advance invoice after payment by the customer?

Just click on the "INV" button on the down payment invoice line. All data will be transferred to your invoice, just fill in the payment date and payment method.


That's all :)

You have just learned to issue papers from Trevlix 👍